Emulator Issues #8993
closedOS X El Capitan caused a pile of new issues
Added by antonin.muller over 9 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.
Game Name?
all games
Game ID? (right click the game in the game list, properties, info tab)
MD5 Hash? (right click the game in the game list, properties, info tab, MD5 Hash: Compute)
What's the problem? Describe what went wrong.
Mac os x elcapitan is out today. dolphin doesn't work correctly.
- 3 icons are not displayed normally ( See screenshot )
- the height of the window increases with each opening of the application
- Bluetooth does not work anymore (wiimote is no longer recognized)
Everything work great with yosemite
- dolphinbar doesn't work too
What steps will reproduce the problem?
just open dolphin ...
Which versions of Dolphin did you test on? Does using an older version of Dolphin solve your issue? If yes, which versions of Dolphin used to work?
the last one : 7866
What are your PC specifications? (CPU, GPU, Operating System, more)
Mac mini 2011 I5 8go ram, SSD 512
Is there any other relevant information? (e.g. logs, screenshots,
configuration files)
see screenshot
screenshot.png (117 KB) screenshot.png | antonin.muller, 09/30/2015 09:42 PM | ||
Dolphin_2015-10-01-170913_Pauls-MacBook-Air.crash (49.5 KB) Dolphin_2015-10-01-170913_Pauls-MacBook-Air.crash | pauldacheez, 10/01/2015 10:16 PM |
Updated by antonin.muller over 9 years ago
I try all version (4.0, 4.02) and same problem.
With Dolphin 3.5, bluetooth et icons work great
Updated by pauldacheez over 9 years ago
- File Dolphin_2015-10-01-170913_Pauls-MacBook-Air.crash Dolphin_2015-10-01-170913_Pauls-MacBook-Air.crash added
- Subject changed from dolphin doesn't work on mac os x elcapitan to OS X El Capitan caused a pile of new issues
- Status changed from New to Accepted
- Priority changed from Normal to Urgent
- Operating system OS X added
- Operating system deleted (
Latest buildbot build (4.0-7876) outright crashes for me, probably because I'm still on beta El Capitan. Crash log points to changes in image handling stuff, which explains why those three icons look corrupt for you. I'll assume that the other three issues are valid until I update and get a chance to see for myself.
Updated by MayImilae over 9 years ago
How do the 5.0 Release Candidates perform on El Capitan? Do any or all of these bugs apply to it as well?
Updated by antonin.muller over 9 years ago
Same problems with the lasr dolphin 5.0 RC
antonin.muller wrote:
Game Name?
all games
Game ID? (right click the game in the game list, properties, info tab)
MD5 Hash? (right click the game in the game list, properties, info tab, MD5 Hash: Compute)
What's the problem? Describe what went wrong.
Mac os x elcapitan is out today. dolphin doesn't work correctly.
- 3 icons are not displayed normally ( See screenshot )
- the height of the window increases with each opening of the application
- Bluetooth does not work anymore (wiimote is no longer recognized)
Everything work great with yosemite
- dolphinbar doesn't work too
What steps will reproduce the problem?
just open dolphin ...
Which versions of Dolphin did you test on? Does using an older version of Dolphin solve your issue? If yes, which versions of Dolphin used to work?
the last one : 7866
What are your PC specifications? (CPU, GPU, Operating System, more)
Mac mini 2011 I5 8go ram, SSD 512
Is there any other relevant information? (e.g. logs, screenshots,
configuration files)see screenshot
Updated by MayImilae over 9 years ago
- Milestone set to Current
Armada if you disagree that this is blocking you can remove it, since it isn't our fault, but if it affects 5.0 RCs...
Updated by ReddestDream over 9 years ago
I'm not seeing the icon issue or the window height issue. 2012 rMBP 10.11 Public Release. Dolphin 4.0-7880. Works as well for me as it did in Yosemite.
Updated by JosJuice over 9 years ago
According to a forum thread, the icon problems only happen when using another language than English for Dolphin's GUI. https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/Thread-icon-s-disappeared
Updated by endrift about 9 years ago
I don't seem to have any problems non-TR wiimotes on 10.11.1, and -TR wiimotes take a bit of fiddling in the OS to get working, but do seem to work for me. Same for DolphinBar, although I haven't gotten -TR wiimotes working on DolphinBar for some reason. This is latest master, so 4.0-8526.
Updated by JosJuice about 9 years ago
- Priority changed from Urgent to Normal
Reducing the priority because Wii Remotes are working. Incorrect icons and growing windows are not critical problems.
Updated by JosJuice about 9 years ago
The window growing on launch should be fixed by 4.0-8656, so now only the icon problem is left. https://dolphin-emu.org/download/dev/9925d8a94769b8d88347cf4a912aa2d7bd9b0040/
Updated by Fog about 9 years ago
Just got myself set up with OSX, does not seem like I'm running into the same issues with the icons. Can anyone else confirm on their end?
Updated by antonin.muller about 9 years ago
Fog wrote:
Just got myself set up with OSX, does not seem like I'm running into the same issues with the icons. Can anyone else confirm on their end?
Icons are broken only in french, in english it's ok
Updated by Fog about 9 years ago
Interesting, I'll look into the issue tonight once I get my OSX development setup fully functional.
This is setting the OS language to french or just Dolphin language?
Updated by antonin.muller about 9 years ago
Fog wrote:
Interesting, I'll look into the issue tonight once I get my OSX development setup fully functional.
This is setting the OS language to french or just Dolphin language?
Just dolphin
Updated by Fog about 9 years ago
According to this FileZilla ticket, it's a wxWidgets/Apple bug, there's nothing that we can do at the moment until it gets fixed by Apple.
Updated by JosJuice about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Fixed
So, in short:
Wiimotes not working is an Apple issue that has been fixed by Apple.
The window growing when re-launching has been fixed in Dolphin.
Icons not working when using locales with another decimal separator than point is an Apple issue that has not yet been fixed by Apple.
I'm marking this as Fixed because all issues that we can fix on our own are fixed.
Updated by JosJuice about 9 years ago
- Has duplicate Emulator Issues #9293: Error interface Dolphin 4.0-8779 Mac (El Capitan) added
Updated by palxex about 9 years ago
Sorry, seems not fixed at all.
My situation: OSX 10.11.3, non-TR RVL-CNT-01.
Another simulator platform OpenEmu can handle the same wiimote well. Once it open my wiimote will shake and works as expected. But Dolphin cannot. Once wiimote connected in bluetooth settings and I click refreshin Dolphin, dolphin will stuck and dont response ever, I've to kill it manually. In game press 1+2 also don't work, the 4 LED keeps flash.
Updated by palxex about 9 years ago
palxex wrote:
Sorry, seems not fixed at all.
My situation: OSX 10.11.3, Dolphine 4.0-8779, non-TR RVL-CNT-01.
Another simulator platform OpenEmu can handle the same wiimote well. Once it open my wiimote will shake and works as expected. But Dolphin cannot. Once wiimote connected in bluetooth settings and I click refresh in Dolphin, dolphin will stuck and dont response ever, I've to kill it manually. In game press 1+2 also don't work, the 4 LED keeps flash.
Updated by JosJuice about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Fixed to Questionable
I'm changing this to Questionable until we have more reports about whether Wii Remotes work.
Updated by palxex about 9 years ago
JosJuice wrote:
I'm changing this to Questionable until we have more reports about whether Wii Remotes work.
Just tested in RetroArch, it also works( of course cannot in same time with OpenEMU). Could you check whether my steps is right? In addition, my Mac is Mini 2012.
0, Remove wiimote from bluetooth pairing, turn off OSX bluetooth then turn on.
1, Open wiimote's back case, click the red button, 4 LEDs begins flash)
2, In OSX bluetooth preferences, found "Nintendo RVL-CNT-01", double click, displays "Connected"
3, Open Dolphin, it scans games, click Controller, Real Wiimote section dont show anything about connection, just "Continuous Scanning" and "Refresh".
4, Click Refresh, dolphin stuck there and never responce from then on, while LEDs flashing.
5, Kill then reopen Dolphin, keeps "Continuous Scanning" on and open any game. After the game started, press 1+2. All LEDs keeps flash, nothing happens.
Updated by palxex about 9 years ago
palxex wrote:
JosJuice wrote:
I'm changing this to Questionable until we have more reports about whether Wii Remotes work.
Just tested in RetroArch, it also works( of course cannot in same time with OpenEMU). Could you check whether my steps is right? In addition, my Mac is Mini 2012.
0, Remove wiimote from bluetooth pairing, turn off OSX bluetooth then turn on.
1, Open wiimote's back case, click the red button, 4 LEDs begins flash)
2, In OSX bluetooth preferences, found "Nintendo RVL-CNT-01", double click, displays "Connected"
3, Open Dolphin, it scans games, click Controller, Real Wiimote section dont show anything about connection, just "Continuous Scanning" and "Refresh".
4, Click Refresh, dolphin stuck there and never responce from then on, while LEDs flashing.
5, Kill then reopen Dolphin, keeps "Continuous Scanning" on and open any game. After the game started, press 1+2. All LEDs keeps flash, nothing happens.
Update: stable 3.5/4.0 will not lose response forever like 8779, just 5-10 seconds, but also cannot find wiimote to work.
dev 8807 same behaviour as 8779.
Updated by Fog about 9 years ago
palxex wrote:
palxex wrote:
JosJuice wrote:
I'm changing this to Questionable until we have more reports about whether Wii Remotes work.
Just tested in RetroArch, it also works( of course cannot in same time with OpenEMU). Could you check whether my steps is right? In addition, my Mac is Mini 2012.
0, Remove wiimote from bluetooth pairing, turn off OSX bluetooth then turn on.
1, Open wiimote's back case, click the red button, 4 LEDs begins flash)
2, In OSX bluetooth preferences, found "Nintendo RVL-CNT-01", double click, displays "Connected"
3, Open Dolphin, it scans games, click Controller, Real Wiimote section dont show anything about connection, just "Continuous Scanning" and "Refresh".
4, Click Refresh, dolphin stuck there and never responce from then on, while LEDs flashing.
5, Kill then reopen Dolphin, keeps "Continuous Scanning" on and open any game. After the game started, press 1+2. All LEDs keeps flash, nothing happens.Update: stable 3.5/4.0 will not lose response forever like 8779, just 5-10 seconds, but also cannot find wiimote to work.
dev 8807 same behaviour as 8779.
Can you bisect when the wiimote stops working properly? It could be unrelated to El Capitan issues.
Updated by palxex about 9 years ago
Fog wrote:
Can you bisect when the wiimote stops working properly? It could be unrelated to El Capitan issues.
Not done. Just confirmed 6899 sometimes will able to connect - only once in about 20 times, and not follow the steps previous posted and cannot reproduce. Before got a 100% reproducable steps I think its hard to start bisect.
And from googling it seems I'm wrong when comparing Dolphin with OpenEmu/RetroArch. The later two emulator platform just use Wiimote as a traditional HID device, so they can make use of system bluetooth pairing. In the only time pairing Wiimote with Dolphine 6899 success, what I can remember is system bluetooth tray don't show anything connected.
A possible useful discovery: in log, every build before 6899 is able to discover my wiimote( may not able to connect ), and recent builds ( I tested 8631/8779/8807) just scaning, nothing discovered. Not sure whether problem about https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin/pull/2670, I'll try build it tomorrow.
Updated by palxex about 9 years ago
Just finished tracking the problem and fix it in this pull-request: https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin/pull/3574
Updated by JosJuice about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Questionable to Fixed
Should be fixed by 4.0-8854. https://dolphin-emu.org/download/dev/c2c1f839dd3302249db9dbc04e64f320fa4586d0/