Emulator Issues #9149
openCropping problem with OpenGL in RS3
Game Name?
Star Wars - Rogue Squadron III - Rebel Strike
Game ID? (right click the game in the game list, properties, info tab)
MD5 Hash? (right click the game in the game list, properties, info tab, MD5 Hash: Compute)
What's the problem? Describe what went wrong.
On OpenGL the "A long time ago..." text displayed in the opening animation is zoomed too close to the camera and is cut off. This can be corrected by using the DirectX backend.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Start the game, select first mission, wait for text to display
Which versions of Dolphin did you test on? Does using an older version of Dolphin solve your issue? If yes, which versions of Dolphin used to work?
What are your PC specifications? (CPU, GPU, Operating System, more)
Intel Core i7-960, NVIDIA GeForce 580, Windows 10
Is there any other relevant information? (e.g. logs, screenshots,
configuration files)
Updated by JMC4789 over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Questionable
If you have crop setup, it will do this.
Everything works properly in RS2/3 here. The wiki entry is totally wrong, so, you should probably either remove it or edit it to respect what's actually going on. The cutscenes manipulate VI to render at a similar aspect ratio to the movies. Dolphin adjusts to that, but, because it's an emulator, instead eliminates as much black space as possible so it will fill your screen.
If you're outputting to a 4:3 monitor, it will render just as it did on a GameCube.
Updated by JMC4789 over 9 years ago
And, forcing 16:9 stretches it out more, proving that everything is working as intended.
Updated by kolano over 9 years ago
This is related to the "Crop" option being turned on. It does seem like it might be considered a bug with that option.
Updated by Helios over 9 years ago
- Subject changed from [Short description of your bug here (~10 words)] to Cropping problem with OpenGL in RS3
Updated by Billiard26 6 months ago
If this issue is still present, please show a screenshot demonstrating the problem and show your graphics settings.
Updated by autofire372 6 months ago
Just got in-game; the opening cutscene looks the same to me on both OpenGL and Vulkan.
Updated by autofire372 6 months ago
- File GLRE64_2024-10-17_15-45-16.png GLRE64_2024-10-17_15-45-16.png added
- File GLRE64_2024-10-17_15-48-28.png GLRE64_2024-10-17_15-48-28.png added
autofire372 wrote in #note-7:
Just got in-game; the opening cutscene looks the same to me on both OpenGL and Vulkan.
Got screenshots at native resolution: