Emulator Issues #9358
closedMicrosoft Basic Render Driver doesn’t work with Direct3d12
Hello, when selecting Microsoft Basic Render Driver with direct3d12, Dolphin create a message telling it fails to initialize the selected adapter (preventing the game to start).
This does so even if every every hardware renderer works with direct3d12.
Either the the possibility to use the Microsoft Basic Render Driver should be implemented or the adapter should be removed from the drop down menu when direct3d12 is selected.
Updated by JMC4789 about 9 years ago
One of our DX12 devs says it works for them. You can test PR3647 if you want, though, it has some fixes, https://dl.dolphin-emu.org/prs/pr-3647-dolphin-latest-x64.7z
Updated by ytrezq about 9 years ago
@JMC4789 : I’m still getting the same issue with https://dl.dolphin-emu.org/prs/pr-3647-dolphin-latest-x64.7z (unable to create a d3d12 device on the selected adapter. Please make sure it supports direct3d12 and that your graphic drivers are up to date)
I don’t have problems for using direct3d12 on my intel hd 530.
Updated by ytrezq about 9 years ago
So should software renderer be disabled when D3d12 is selected ? for 5.0
Updated by ytrezq about 9 years ago
JMC4789 wrote:
One of our DX12 devs says it works for them. You can test PR3647 if you want, though, it has some fixes, https://dl.dolphin-emu.org/prs/pr-3647-dolphin-latest-x64.7z
So should software renderer be disabled when D3d12 is selected for 5.0 ?
Updated by shellashock almost 9 years ago
- File Error message 1.bmp Error message 1.bmp added
- File Error message 3.bmp Error message 3.bmp added
For the record, I was also experiencing this with my Radeon R7 240 with 4.0-9021 a long time ago. Setting the adapter to AMD R7 240 with DirectX12 would work fine, but would throw errors like "Error Message 1" and "Error message 3" even when I was using the latest AMD beta drivers with Microsoft Basic Render Driver. Recently, I had some problems with my computer and had to reinstall my graphics drivers and noticed that these problems did not happen anymore; even when using my old 4.0-9021 build that I initially noticed it on. I would recommend the OP to update to latest graphic drivers and latest Dolphin version and see if this still occurs. FYI, I am using 16.150.2111.0 (Crimson Edition).
Updated by Stenzek almost 9 years ago
I did find another error that could be potentially causing this problem. If you were booting a game without opening the graphics panel first, it would use adapter 0, rather than the selected adapter (due to creating the device before loading the config), so you'd run into end up with an "unsupported" error if adapter 0 did not support D3D12, but the selected adapter did.
Fix is in https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin/pull/3713 (specifically the startup/shutdown cleanup commit).
Updated by ytrezq almost 9 years ago
shellashock wrote:
For the record, I was also experiencing this with my Radeon R7 240 with 4.0-9021 a long time ago. Setting the adapter to AMD R7 240 with DirectX12 would work fine, but would throw errors like "Error Message 1" and "Error message 3" even when I was using the latest AMD beta drivers with Microsoft Basic Render Driver. Recently, I had some problems with my computer and had to reinstall my graphics drivers and noticed that these problems did not happen anymore; even when using my old 4.0-9021 build that I initially noticed it on. I would recommend the OP to update to latest graphic drivers and latest Dolphin version and see if this still occurs. FYI, I am using 16.150.2111.0 (Crimson Edition).
Disagree. the basic render driver should work without ɢᴘᴜ support or the presence of any ɢᴘᴜ. I was using a intel® ʜᴅ 2500 (my motherboard died since so i can no longer reproduce this bug).
I tried many driver versions and none of them solved my problem.
Updated by shellashock almost 9 years ago
The only other thing I can think of that I have changed since the last time I tested this issue is that I added the Windows 10 SDK to my computer to compile Dolphin manually. I am adding Windows 10 SDK to my laptop now to see if that fixes it as this issue still occurs for my laptop. If it turns out that you need Windows 10 SDK for this error not to show up, I think it is better just to add documentation somewhere that Microsoft Basic Render Driver requires Windows 10 SDK for it to work with DX12 instead of outright disabling it.
EDIT: This did not work for my laptop (wasn't expecting it as the iGPU inside it only supports up to DX10), but apparently worked for my desktop (only other things I recently installed was Git and latest version of Microsoft Visual Studio Community). If you (ytrezq) ever have this problem again on another computer, please try installing the latest Windows 10 SDK and see how that goes.
To Stenzek:
Taking a wild guess, does Microsoft Basic Render Driver have different iterations based on the Windows SDK/physical processor? If this is true, that might explain why I experienced this problem on my old Athlon B24 and Acer Aspire 7750Z-4495; but devs didn't with their (presumably), newer hardware and up to date SDK's.
Updated by JMC4789 almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Fixed
This should be fixed by 4.0-9308
Updated by shellashock almost 9 years ago
Can confirm that this is now fixed on my laptop (that is, it crashes as expected when using the unsupported Intel HD Graphics and runs while using the Microsoft Basic Render Driver). Thanks for merging that D3D12 pr! That single pr probably fixed about 90% of the reported bugs with D3D12 lol.
Updated by ytrezq almost 9 years ago
(that is, it crashes as expected when using the unsupported Intel HD Graphics and runs while using the Microsoft Basic Render Driver).
It’s not normal. As long as the ᴏꜱ is windows 10, it should run whether the hardware ɢᴘᴜ support it or not.
Updated by shellashock almost 9 years ago
Well, considering that my laptop has the "old" Intel HD Graphics (or the HD Graphics 2000, depending on what hardware checking tool you use); I was expecting it to crash for the HD graphics anyways. As of 4.0-9308, my Win 10 laptop can now use the Microsoft Basic Render Driver with DX12; so this issue is fixed (for me at least).