Emulator Issues #9477
openFeature Request: Allow the GUI to filter on user-specified tags
I would like the ability to filter the shown games on more tags than the current ones (by country, wii or gc, etc), allowing the tags to be displayed as extra columns (game rating could be nice to be able to sort by favorites for example).
I'm mostly interested in "Game finished" and "Game started" but I think leaving it to the user would be great.
This would allow to fake Game Sets (for example to display only Prince of Persia, or Mario games etc...).
Since the ability to filter already exists, I hope this is not too much.
Thank you!
Updated by JosJuice over 8 years ago
- Issue type changed from Bug to Feature request
Updated by ZephyrSurfer about 3 years ago
A feature now exists to create custom tags for items in the game list and they are displayed in their own column.
5.0-8880 -> https://dolphin-emu.org/download/dev/2bdee9b80b24f1aa284fb228b9772bc0b506d446/
Updated by John.ETTEDGUI about 3 years ago
ZephyrSurfer wrote:
A feature now exists to create custom tags for items in the game list and they are displayed in their own column.
5.0-8880 -> https://dolphin-emu.org/download/dev/2bdee9b80b24f1aa284fb228b9772bc0b506d446/
Awesome, thank you all!