Emulator Issues #9658
closedMenu Icons Are Misaligned / Truncated in Debug Mode
What's the problem? Describe what went wrong.
When running Dolphin in debug mode the non-clickable menu icons are misaligned or truncated. This does not happen when running Dolphin normally.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Launch Dolphin in debug mode.
Which versions of Dolphin did you test on? Does using an older version of Dolphin solve your issue? If yes, which versions of Dolphin used to work?
What are your PC specifications? (CPU, GPU, Operating System, more)
Intel i7-2600K
Nvidia GeForce GTX 580
Windows 10
Is there any other relevant information? (e.g. logs, screenshots,
configuration files)
Image with issues highlighted: http://i.imgur.com/pHf6LnW.png
Updated by MayImilae almost 9 years ago
Hmmmmm, I think the mix of 24x24 and 32x32 icons are throwing it off? So it reads a 24x24 icon and thinks the icon set should all be 24x24 and cuts off the 32x32 ones? But then, why are only two of them messed up? shrug
Updated by PEmu almost 9 years ago
MaJoRoesch wrote:
Hmmmmm, I think the mix of 24x24 and 32x32 icons are throwing it off? So it reads a 24x24 icon and thinks the icon set should all be 24x24 and cuts off the 32x32 ones? But then, why are only two of them messed up? shrug
The Stop icon isn't truncated because it's smaller than the others so the visible image finishes before it gets cut off. I tried enlarging it to test it out and it appears truncated too when it is bigger.
See: http://i.imgur.com/3xvI9qM.png
You may be right about the 24 x 24 vs. 32 x 32 icons though.
Updated by PEmu almost 9 years ago
Yes I think that is the issue. When the interface theme is set to Boomy the issue no longer appears.
Updated by MayImilae almost 9 years ago
So do I finally have a reason to make all of the icons for debug mode? I've started and stopped multiple times already. :P (I don't know what the things do so I rely on people telling me what they are, then trying to come up with ways to depict it)
Updated by PEmu almost 9 years ago
MaJoRoesch wrote:
So do I finally have a reason to make all of the icons for debug mode? I've started and stopped multiple times already. :P
Heh, I was actually going to open a new issue for that next. I was going to propose creating actual debug icons and moving them into the actual themes instead of Sys/Resources as I think that is the logical way it should be done instead of what we have right now. If you are willing to work on it I think that would be a good idea to do.
Updated by PEmu almost 9 years ago
MaJoRoesch wrote:
So do I finally have a reason to make all of the icons for debug mode? I've started and stopped multiple times already. :P (I don't know what the things do so I rely on people telling me what they are, then trying to come up with ways to depict it)
I have seen some good reference images online for the first few.
This page has some Metro-ish interpretations of the icons: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/nikolait/2013/07/10/debugging-touchdevelop-scripts/
These are someone similar to your existing theme:
I do not know what Show and Set PC are supposed to look like though. Maybe a dev can find a good reference image for those.
Updated by MayImilae almost 9 years ago
I looked at what I have from the last time working on this, and I have images for Step Into, Step Over, Step Out, and Skip. Show PC and Set PC are the ones I could never figure out how to display. No one could really help me find a way to show it easily, and I couldn't figure it out and stopped working on it.
Updated by PEmu almost 9 years ago
MaJoRoesch wrote:
I looked at what I have from the last time working on this, and I have images for Step Into, Step Over, Step Out, and Skip. Show PC and Set PC are the ones I could never figure out how to display. No one could really help me find a way to show it easily, and I couldn't figure it out and stopped working on it.
Do you know what PC stands for (I assume it doesn't mean personal computer)? The hover text for them says "Go to the current instruction" and "Set the current instruction" which sound a bit more helpful.
Updated by magumagu9 almost 9 years ago
PC in this context is "Program Counter", i.e. the address of the current instruction.
Updated by MayImilae almost 9 years ago
Yep yep, that's what I had noooo idea how to display.
Updated by PEmu almost 9 years ago
I am going to open a second issue report after all as this bug isn't 100% the same thing as making new icons.
Updated by PEmu almost 9 years ago
Ideally new debug icons should be created but now that the Boomy theme has been otherwise removed it should be possible to fix this issue by resizing the existing Boomy icons from 24 x 24 to 32 x 32. I do not know if that might break something else however.
Updated by PEmu almost 9 years ago
Updated by PEmu over 8 years ago
Can a project member mark this as fixed? It was fixed in Dolphin 5.0-110 as I removed the 24 x 24 icons and replaced them with 32 x 32 placeholders. The rest of the discussion is covered in the separate issue #9659.