Emulator Issues #9961
Updated by JosJuice about 8 years ago
Used Dolphin Version: 5.0-1473 I had the problem, that i corrupted a game save data with an older dolphin version. So i wanted to create a new MemoryCard only for testing with older dolphin versions and i ran in some issues here. **Issue 1: Old MemoryCard is used, though a new memory card is created** I clicked in menu: Options > Settings > GC > Slot A and clicked the ...-Button I choose the Name "MemoryCard_4.0.EUR" and click on open (my current MemoryCard.EUR-File ist visible in the file chooser dialog) Now here begins the the first issue. In the Dolphin.ini a had now two memorycard entries: ~~~ MemcardAPath = C:/Users/User/Documents/Dolphin Emulator/GC/MemoryCardA.EUR.raw MemcardBPath = C:/Users/User/Documents/Dolphin Emulator/GC/MemoryCard_4.0 ~~~ The new given memory card name "MemoryCard_4.0.EUR" is set as Memory Card B but in the Settings Dialog there is only Slot A set. Slota B is shown as empty. **Issue 2: Default Memory Card not selected in Memory Card Manager** If open the Memory Card Manager over Extras, my default memory card is not selected. I must choose it manually. **Issue 2.1: Memory Card with wrong extension created ** If i click browse and choose the not existing file "MemoryCard_4.0.EUR", the manager asks if want create the file. If i want copy a savestate to this new memory card, i got the error that the memory has the wrong extension. **Issue 2.2: Set Memory Card in Memory Manager is default is not used as default** In the Memory Card Manager i create card with the name "MemoryCard_4.0.EUR.raw" and copy one savestate to that new file. Now i click with a right mouse click on that copied savestate and set the card as default slot a card. In the Dolphin.ini a new entry is created: ~~~ [MemcardManager] DefaultMemcardA = C:\Users\User\Documents\Dolphin C:\Users\Uwe Beck\Documents\Dolphin Emulator\GC\MemoryCard_4.0.EUR.raw ~~~ But the default card is not used, the old one used, because this entry still exists: ~~~ MemcardAPath = C:/Users/User/Documents/Dolphin C:/Users/Uwe Beck/Documents/Dolphin Emulator/GC/MemoryCardA.EUR.raw ~~~ So its a little bit confusing with the memcards. When open the GC-Settings via Options > Settings > GC and want to configure the memcards it would be better to open the memory card manager. In the Dolphin.ini it should only give one MemcardA-Setting.