


Emulator Issues #12620

Updated by pokechu22 about 3 years ago

**Game Name?** 

 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 

 **What's the problem? Describe what went wrong.** 

 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 renders incorrectly when using ubershaders; a large portion of the environment is green.    When using D3D11, Dolphin crashes with ubershaders; the other backends do not crash. 

 **What steps will reproduce the problem?** 

 Load the fifolog below when using exclusive ubershaders.    (It probably also reproduces when playing the game normally, but I don't actually own it so I can only test with the fifolog). 

 **Is the issue present in the latest development version?** 

 Yes, 5.0-14860 

 **Is the issue present in the latest stable version?** 

 Ubershaders didn't exist in 5.0.    I tested 5.0-4869, which first added ubershaders, and it rendered correctly there. 

 **If the issue isn't present in the latest stable version, which is the first broken version?** 

 5.0-5934. Will do this later. 

 **If your issue is a graphical issue, please attach screenshots and record a three frame fifolog of the issue if possible.** 


 **Is there anything else that can help developers narrow down the issue?** 

 D3D11 logs the following before crashing (there are other similar messages about the sampler that are logged several times beforehand): 

 D3D11 WARNING: ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawIndexed: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Sampler to be set at Slot 6, but none is bound. This is perfectly valid, as a NULL Sampler maps to default Sampler state. However, the developer may not want to rely on the defaults.    [ EXECUTION WARNING #352: DEVICE_DRAW_SAMPLER_NOT_SET] 
 D3D11 ERROR: ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawIndexed: The Shader Resource View dimension declared in the shader code (TEXTURE2DARRAY) does not match the view type bound to slot 0 of the Pixel Shader unit (BUFFER).    This mismatch is invalid if the shader actually uses the view (e.g. it is not skipped due to shader code branching). [ EXECUTION ERROR #354: DEVICE_DRAW_VIEW_DIMENSION_MISMATCH] 
 D3D11: **BREAK** enabled for the previous message, which was: [ ERROR EXECUTION #354: DEVICE_DRAW_VIEW_DIMENSION_MISMATCH ] 
 Exception thrown at 0x00007FF8DAB64ED9 (KernelBase.dll) in Dolphin.exe: 0x0000087A (parameters: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000007CD28FBBE0, 0x0000007CD28FD9B0). 
 Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF8DAB64ED9 (KernelBase.dll) in Dolphin.exe: 0x0000087A (parameters: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000007CD28FBBE0, 0x0000007CD28FD9B0). 

 This issue can be seen on fifoci:
