



Results (965)

Emulator Issues #5604 (Accepted): Wiimote Extensions aren't saved to .dtm files
Currently dolphin makes no attempt at all to make sure a .dtm is playing with the same settings that were used to record it. It's often impossible to playback a movie without playing a game of 20 questions with the author to figure out what settings/files are needed to make it sync. A mu ... is would be to simply save the necessary settings/information to the .dtm, and automatically load the appropriate settings, and throw warnings to the user about any mismatched files. Things that should be saved: a hash of the gam ... ists, and if so, a hash of it dual core setting idle skipping setting whether jit/interp/jitil are used hle/lle dsp attached me ... 8fa33ef) Graphics backend All Graphics sett... 09/04/2012 06:48 AM
Emulator Issues #5587 (New): Per-song/voice audio dumping features please!
I would like to rip audio from Wii Games. In some games, this is so difficult... So with some ripping features in Dolphin I would be able to do a very good ripping to those games which are very hard to rip. I think that with some coding over HLE Audio will be enough. 08/25/2012 06:18 PM
Emulator Issues #4709 (Accepted): Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Black Screen
1) Game Name and ID (as it appears in right click &gt; properties: &quot;GZ2P01&qu ... What is the expected output? What do you see instead?</b> In Part 4 Endgame, after Micaiah promotes, it should lead to unit preparation. Instead there is a black screen and sometimes the error message &quot;DSI exception in stmw&quot;. <b>2) Did the game ever work ... oblem) on an</b> <b>earlier version of dolphin?</b> <b>(If so, please specify the latest r ... ith the scenes <b>4) What version of dolphin are you using (32bit/64bit along with the</b> version as it appears in the title bar: &quot;R 4779&quot;, &quot;R 6 ... t;3.0&quot;, etc)? R7658 64 bit Thanks. 07/12/2011 04:35 PM
Emulator Issues #4411 (Accepted): Texture dump monitoring
<b>What's the problem?</b> The texture dump ... e which textures are already dumped. When making a texture pack it would be nice if you could put the identified textures into (nested) subfolders, and not have those te ... a lot easier to spot any missed textures. 04/18/2011 02:45 PM
Emulator Issues #2163 (Accepted): Implement GameBoy Player device
The GB Player disk is dumpable, just like a g ... ayer, it's useless. I know it would mean looking up MORE hardware reverse engineerings and everything, I just thought there should be an issue f ... and what save file to use, and extensive testing to make sure neither get corrupted in the process. This could tie in closely to Issue 173 so I guess it is unnece ... A. Still, for completeness' sake, here it is. 01/27/2010 02:23 PM