



Results (964)

Emulator Issues #5604 (Accepted): Wiimote Extensions aren't saved to .dtm files
Currently dolphin makes no attempt at all to make sure a .dtm is playing with the same settings that were used to record it. I ... without playing a game of 20 questions with the author to figure out what settings/files are ... ler solution to this would be to simply save the necessary settings/information to the .dtm, and automatically load the appropriate settings, and throw warnings to the user about any mismatched files. Things that should be saved: a hash of the game. if any save file exists, and if so, a hash of it dual core setting idle skipping setting whether jit/interp/jitil are used hle/lle dsp attached memory cards, and controllers (code for memory cards at http:/ ... YSCONF EuRGB60 option Those are all of ... 09/04/2012 06:48 AM
Emulator Issues #4709 (Accepted): Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Black Screen
1) Game Name and ID (as it appears in right click &gt; proper ... Radiant Dawn PAL - RFEP01 <b>1) What is the expected output? What do you see instead?</b ... it should lead to unit preparation. Instead there is a black screen and sometimes the error message &quot;DSI exception in stmw&quot;. <b>2) Did the game ever work correctly (i.e. not have this ... n of dolphin?</b> <b>(If so, please specify the latest revision that worked.)</b> No. <b>3) What steps will reproduce the problem?</b> 1. Load game at Part 4 Endgame 1 2. Leave base and go through with the scenes <b>4) What version of dolphin are you using (32bit/64bit along with the</b> version as it appears in the... 07/12/2011 04:35 PM
Emulator Issues #4411 (Accepted): Texture dump monitoring
<b>What's the problem?</b> The texture dump folder is not currently monitor ... xture pack it would be nice if you could put the identified textures into (nested) subfolders, and not have those texture redumped. This way it would be a lot easier to spot any missed textures. 04/18/2011 02:45 PM
Emulator Issues #2163 (Accepted): Implement GameBoy Player device
The GB Player disk is dumpable, just like a game disk. But as there is no emulated GB Player, it's useless. I ... oking up MORE hardware reverse engineerings and everything, I just thought there should be an issue for it. There'd have to be a way to tell it what image to load up and what save file to use, and extensive testing to make sure neither get corrupted in the process. This could tie in closely to Iss ... A. Still, for completeness' sake, here it is. 01/27/2010 02:23 PM