


  • Login: noabody
  • Registered on: 04/03/2023
  • Last sign in: 04/03/2023


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04:51 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #13227: compile fail: GBACore.cpp desiredVideoDimensions is now currentVideoSize external mgba core.h
Okay, thanks. noabody
04:50 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #13227: compile fail: GBACore.cpp desiredVideoDimensions is now currentVideoSize external mgba core.h
Scratch that, it does pull the correct version into dolphin-emu but then we have to override the mgba include path in... noabody
04:37 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #13227: compile fail: GBACore.cpp desiredVideoDimensions is now currentVideoSize external mgba core.h
Here is my custom PKGBUILD. It is for personal use *only*. Notice that mgba has been specified as a source pointing... noabody
04:11 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #13227 (Won't fix): compile fail: GBACore.cpp desiredVideoDimensions is now currentVideoSize external mgba core.h
**What's the problem? Describe what went wrong.**
Arch Linux build - dolphin-emu-git: `yay -S dolphin-emu-git` com...

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