


  • Login: NarryG
  • Registered on: 06/12/2016
  • Last sign in: 12/26/2019


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 5 6



04:25 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #11781 (Fixed): HLE Audio broken on some games when built using certain verions of VS2019
**What's the problem? Describe what went wrong.**
When building Dolphin under VS2019, HLE audio doesn't function p...


01:56 AM Emulator Emulator Issues #10765: When loading a savestate made with a different input method, holding an analog input within the first ~.5 seconds after loading messes up the neutral position
Billiard26 wrote:
> This is just something the games do. They calibrate the controller when it is connected. The onl...


05:45 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #11419: SPECIFIC Mirror in Luigi's Mansion broken (Washroom)!
I did some hardware testing and it turns out this issue actually shows up on real hardware so it's not an emulation b... NarryG


09:13 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #10912: Savestates cause real wiimote extensions to malfunction
As you said on IRC you could just update the main post, scratch that and this one can just be updated by someone, apo... NarryG
09:06 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #10912: Savestates cause real wiimote extensions to malfunction
Turns out there's an error in this issue. It applies to more than just the stick. Buttons on the nunchuck can be in t... NarryG
08:42 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #10912 (Fixed): Savestates cause real wiimote extensions to malfunction
**Game Name?**
Not Applicable
**Game ID?** (right click the game in the game list, properties, info tab)
Not A...


09:37 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #10764: When using the GC adapter, loading a savestate made with the standard input, then loading one made with the GC adapter before the controller change from the original savestate is detected will break all input
I traced the code and found where the issue stems from. Not quite sure how you'd want this issue fixed so I'm not goi... NarryG
08:18 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #10764: When using the GC adapter, loading a savestate made with the standard input, then loading one made with the GC adapter before the controller change from the original savestate is detected will break all input
Update: Alternate method of triggering it
Load up a gamecube game with the Gamecube adapter for WiiU set
08:17 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #10764: When using the GC adapter, loading a savestate made with the standard input, then loading one made with the GC adapter before the controller change from the original savestate is detected will break all input
Update: Alternate method of triggering it
Load up a gamecube game with the Gamecube adapter for WiiU set
08:36 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #10765: When loading a savestate made with a different input method, holding an analog input within the first ~.5 seconds after loading messes up the neutral position
This does technically appear to just be a result to how you guys have Dolphin handle the controller swapping after lo... NarryG

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