


  • Login: TheManuel
  • Registered on: 12/01/2017
  • Last sign in: 11/30/2023


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04:56 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #13410: Arbitrary mipmap detection not working correctly with D3D11 and OGL backends
Oh, bummer! It sounds like I might be out of luck.
Then perhaps a recent Radeon driver update must have broken it, ...
12:18 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #13410: Arbitrary mipmap detection not working correctly with D3D11 and OGL backends
Thanks for checking, but how could we be testing with different dolphin settings if we both start with a new user fol... TheManuel
04:22 AM Emulator Emulator Issues #13410: Arbitrary mipmap detection not working correctly with D3D11 and OGL backends
pokechu22 wrote in #note-1:
> I can't reproduce; everything looks normal for me. I'm guessing there are additional s...


07:17 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #13410 (New): Arbitrary mipmap detection not working correctly with D3D11 and OGL backends
**Game Name?**
Super Mario Sunshine (easiest to check), perhaps others.
**Game ID?** (right click the game in...


03:46 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #10652: Full-screen Vulkan swapchains screen bugs at 4K resolution
Now that I've set my desktop resolution to my TV's native 4K, I'm running into this issue as well. It's worthwhile n... TheManuel


12:06 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #11103 (Fixed): Lens flare effect no longer emulated in Mario Kart Wii and Soul Calibur II, perhaps others.
Lens flare effect can be seen in (among other examples):
- MKW: Luigi Circuit, evident during the course preview at ...


04:07 AM Emulator Emulator Issues #10660: Band hero freezes after playing a song, before scores are shown
More info: it does not happen to me on GHIII, GH Smash Hits, World Tour or Warriors of Rock but it does happen on Ban... TheManuel
02:54 AM Emulator Emulator Issues #10660: Band hero freezes after playing a song, before scores are shown
To add to this report, I can confirm that this happens to me with Guitar Hero 5 with a real NAND with working clientc... TheManuel

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