


  • Login: kolano
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  • Registered on: 08/29/2015
  • Last sign in: 10/13/2024


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Reported issues 16 74 90



02:24 AM Emulator Emulator Issues #9149: Cropping problem with OpenGL in RS3
I'm currently unable to even get to the initial mission where this was seen, so I'm not sure, game hangs either durin... kolano


01:56 AM Emulator Emulator Issues #10706: [EFB Copies to Tex/RAM issue] Enter the Matrix Movie Video
Thanks for the update ZephyrSurfer. I agree that the base issue reported here can probably by considered resolved, bu... kolano


10:17 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #12595: Garfield Show: Threat of the Space Lasagna (SG7E20) - Soft Locks Entering Minigame
Under-clocking the CPU to 50% got it working, though it was still hanging with 90% or 70%. kolano
09:41 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #12595: Garfield Show: Threat of the Space Lasagna (SG7E20) - Soft Locks Entering Minigame
Yeah, we claim to have fixed the hang when starting up Story Mode levels in 5.0-14733, but they are still hanging for... kolano


01:40 AM Emulator Emulator Issues #12534: Hasbro Family Game Night 2 needs Texture Cache set to safe and SyncGPU
Thanks Jack. INI updates typically get applied with a wildcard to apply to any ID prefixed by "R6X".
We'd still li...


07:26 AM Emulator Emulator Issues #11858: Mii faces and graph fail to load on Wii Fit Channel and Wii Fit Plus Channel
Unfortunately we have a report that this fix breaks various mini games, so we may want to reverse it. Though a more a... kolano


07:39 AM Emulator Emulator Issues #6749: TMNT (2013) has corrupted sound
Just retested across the audio emulation settings; distorted, scratchy audio continue with this title. kolano


11:22 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #10704: Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards OpenAL Garbled Audio
It's still present in 5.0-13182, just not longer the default. Was it purged completely today? kolano


09:10 PM Emulator Emulator Issues #10711: Final Fantasy III (SNES) Needs EFB Real
Can we reopen this? A tester noted that this issue effects a number of JP SNES titles, these include:
Treasure Hunte...


09:13 AM Emulator Emulator Issues #12238: P.N.03 Banding
JosJuice wrote:
> You can get dithering in the hardware backends by disabling the enhancement "Force 24-Bit Color".

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