Emulator Issues #1542
closedZelda Four Sword Adventures Controller
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.When you press the B button for do the S.A. (Spin Attack), Link don't do
good the s.a.!!
2.When you press the R button for roll...sometimes Link can't roll.
3.Maybe the control doesn't work fine.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Can do the S.A. and roll good.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Please provide any additional information below.
When I select in framelimit "20", you can do the S.A. fine and you can
press the R button fine too.
Updated by PianoGamer over 15 years ago
I've noticed problems too, when trying to hold R (tried both on keyboard and Xbox360
controller) the game will act as if you're pressing the button multiple times a
second, making it impossible to pull levers where you need to hold R
Updated by masterkillua123 over 15 years ago
That's right. But work fine with olds revs (example : r2200).
Updated by mango8824 over 15 years ago
I just post a issue about this Didnt know there was one already. well this happens to
me too and also in other games no just zelda four swords even in viutiful joe.
Updated by Anonymous about 14 years ago
Please respond if this issue is still valid, or it will be closed.