Emulator Issues #4435
closedLoad State freezes video in Tales of Symphonia (GC)
What's the problem?
First time dolphin user, trying to play Tales of Symphonia. Everything seems to run great, including saving states, but when I go to load state the audio shifts like I assume it's suppose to but the video freezes on whatever it was showing when you hit load state.
Dolphin version with the problem (as it appears in the title bar, Ex.: "R
4779" or "R 6403M"): r7483
Operating system and version: Windows 7 Home Premium
32-bit or 64-bit: 64bit
Game ID (as it appears in game properties, Ex.: "GZ2P01" or "RSBE01"): GQSEAF
Was the ISO a plain dump from disc, compressed and/or scrubbed?
I assume it's a plain dump from disc, I don't know how to check.
Please provide any additional information below.
My cpu is an i5 750 and my gpu a 5870 if that matters.