



Emulator Issues #572


Report Unknown Pointer Addresses to the Devs Here!

Added by marcus over 15 years ago.

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I was using r2183 on win32 and got this error...


unknown pointer address report this to the devs 00000047 Continue?
[yes] [no]"

So I'm reporting it :)

BTW, I looked through the source in VC++ Express and found the
notification text in line 866 of trunk\source\core\core\hw\memmap.cpp.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Has duplicate Emulator - Emulator Issues #733: Mario & Sonic O.G. Reports an error wen B button RequestedDuplicate

Actions #1

Updated by XTra.KrazzY over 15 years ago

C'mon! Be a little more descriptive!

What game, pc specs, etc.

Actions #2

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

I was playing Paper Mario:TTYD on a 2.76 GHz Intel Qual core with 3 GB of RAM
running Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2.
Dolphin r2183 was in DC mode and I was experimenting with njoy v0.4 using a ppjoy
virtual joystick which was being fed input by glovepie v0.3 from a Wiimote with a
classic controller attached to the bottom expansion port. I had just finished
talking to professor frankly (though this has nothing to do with the fence problem)
and was walking around in his house. After the error occured, I clicked [yes] to
contine and everything continued to work fine.

Tell me if I left anything out.

Actions #3

Updated by ChaosCode over 15 years ago

Some how I think DC mode is tossing wrong values to that function that dont effect
the game play. Multi other games do this including MP1 and RE2. I added those values
I was getting to the case and no longer have an issue. Not sure of the root cause

Actions #4

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

ok. Hope I helped.

Actions #5

Updated by bkchaw over 15 years ago

this problem also occur in mario and sonic at the olympic games (Wii), halfway
through either one of the sports event you will get unknown pointer address report
this to the devs 00000047 Continue?
[yes] [no]"

My PC specs: Pentium D 950 3.4ghz, 4gig ram, winxp pro sp3 32bit, nvidia 7900gtx
512mb, playing using wiimote. dolpin svn 2217, DC, QO,pal60,progressive,JIT enabled

Actions #6

Updated by bkchaw over 15 years ago

also it will crash after that error

Actions #7

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

I got 00000067 on Paper Mario once.

Actions #8

Updated by bkchaw over 15 years ago

thanks, the latest svn 2251 fixed the unknown pointer address for me in the mario and
sonic at the olympic games

Actions #9

Updated by MofoMan2000 over 15 years ago

No, I'm still getting an error on True Crime: Streets of LA in r2255. This happens in
both DolphinWx and WxIL, and happens whether or not dual core is enabled. The address
given is 0000003E. It seems to have something to do with cars, especially when you
try to drive one. Using OpenGL, DSP-HLE, and nJoy 0.3.

Actions #10

Updated by chriisu over 15 years ago

I also got the 00000047 while playing Paper Mario (NGC) on r2276. WinXP 32bit, Intel
Q6600 2GB Nvidia gt8600. Used njoy 0.3.

Actions #11

Updated by montecrudo over 15 years ago

This patch solves this issue:

Actions #12

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

Thanks for this! It fixes super monkey ball (1) which would get infinite messages
(many different values).

Actions #13

Updated by montecrudo over 15 years ago

Thanks. I've discovered there's no need of that Panic message. Also, lately it was
hanging the emu when I was playing Pokemon Colosseum, so... I just disabled it and
woalá. No more panic message and the game is fully playable again.

Actions #14

Updated by XTra.KrazzY over 15 years ago

It's NOT a solution. We'll just have to handle case 0x47

Actions #15

Updated by montecrudo over 15 years ago

No, I'm not saying it's a solution, but it's a temporal fix, since its disabling
doesn't cause any other issue.

Actions #16

Updated by XTra.KrazzY over 15 years ago

marc... Please post the infinite values here. It might either be a random thingie or
something we are not handling. Post at least 8 pointer addresses. Try r2342, it
should disclose more info.

Actions #17

Updated by bkchaw over 15 years ago

mario and sonic at the oylimpic games
unknown pointer address prefix 20, report this to the devs:0x20000000

Actions #18

Updated by bkchaw over 15 years ago

also the latest svn 2342 runs very slow. fps drops quite alot....

Actions #19

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago

Got prefix 76 0x76BF85BD on Metroid Prime, OGL plugin JIT32IL build r2343.

Also 0x497FD0BD

This hapenns almost always when swapping in and out of the scan visor.

Actions #20

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago


Actions #21

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago


Actions #22

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

ok, I'll test mb1 in a couple days (no access to computer right now, commenting from my
wii ^_^).

Probably a good idea to disable the message in this week's (and subsequent) weekly svn
build(s), as it most likely won't be fixed for a while, and the message is of no use to
the average user.

p.s. @ federelli: go easy on the comments, you're clogging my inbox ;).

Actions #23

Updated by montecrudo over 15 years ago

The other problem is, when this message pops up, it hangs the emulator, and badly.
So that's the other reason I've disabled it temporarily until you guys find a

Actions #24

Updated by XTra.KrazzY over 15 years ago

I don't know whether these are random or not, but if it runs when we ignore them I
guess I could just make it a log function instead of a panic alert.

Actions #25

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

yes, log function would be much better. As soon as you implement it, I'll test mkb1
and tell you the values. What are these pointer addresses anyway?

Actions #26

Updated by XTra.KrazzY over 15 years ago

Some are random and some are deliberate addresses which we probably don't know what
they do.

Actions #27

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

I think mkb1 is fixed now. It no longer gives errors, but this might just be because
of them being disabled (have not been able to keep tabs on svn lately, so I wouldn't

Actions #28

Updated by Autoran1 over 15 years ago

Got a lot of this errors in Metroid 1 here's one of them
Unknown pointer addres prefix 07 peport this to devs: 0x07830000

Actions #29

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

Please can we change this to a log function?

Actions #30

Updated by Autoran1 over 15 years ago

Abot MP1
to get this errors try to switthing over all visors

Actions #31

Updated by MofoMan2000 over 15 years ago

This happens with True Crime: Streets of LA on r2536 x86 and r2559 x64. This game is
fully playable with TLB hack, I beat the entire game before the revision came out
that implemented these errors. Since then the only way to play the game is to hold
the enter key down because the alert boxes pop up almost infinitely (especially when
driving), and this greatly reduces emu speed.
It's always the same; "Unknown pointer address 3E, report this to the devs: 0x3EXXXXXX"

I would say, yes, make this a log function instead of a Warning box and try to make
sure there's no significant impact of logging these.

Actions #32

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

ok. I'll bring it up on irc and see what the guys see. We'll probably end up making
it an ErrorLog thing, as that will not slow down the release build.

Actions #33

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

nakee is finishing the logmanager, so it will be a day or two. He says that "then
I'll make panic alerts optional".

Actions #34

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

Issue 733 has been merged into this issue.

Actions #35

Updated by MofoMan2000 over 15 years ago

As of r2680, if you have show panic boxes disabled, instead of asking whether to
continue or not the emu just crashes now. If you have it enabled it works just like

Actions #36

Updated by nakeee over 15 years ago

Try now

Actions #37

Updated by MofoMan2000 over 15 years ago

Yeah no problems anymore. This issue could probably be labeled as "fixed" or at least
workaround. Thanks for that, that improved playability of games that have that issue
since around r2200.

Actions #38

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed
Actions #39

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago

Fixed? Metroid Pime spams this every time you enter/leave the visor, or enter/leave
morph ball mode.

It sometimes enters an endless loop, hanging the game, it is the only thing
preventing the game from being fully playable.

Actions #40

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago


Actions #41

Updated by MofoMan2000 over 15 years ago

… Did you turn off panic warnings in the settings dialog? recommend that be set to
off by default.

Actions #42

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago

All that does is make the message not appear, it still sometimes enters an endless
loop resulting in staring at a white screen (massive ammount of light blue lines,
fill up the screen making it white) at <1 fps.

Actions #43

Updated by hrydgard over 15 years ago

safe texture cache should fix this in metroid prime.

Actions #44

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago

Doesn't at all, almost everytime u swap in or out of visor/morph ball, game either
hangs forever, or hangs for 20-30s.

Actions #45

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

What does the log say about it?

Actions #46

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago

37:41:687 E: Video .\Src\VertexShaderCache.cpp:138:
(VertexShaderCache::CompileVertexShader) OpenGL error 0x500 - invalid enumerant

37:41:687 E: Video glError 00000500 before VS!

38:03:531 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 64, report this to the devs:
38:04:218 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 64, report this to the devs:
38:04:906 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 64, report this to the devs:
38:05:593 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 64, report this to the devs:
38:05:640 E: Video .\Src\VertexShaderCache.cpp:138:
(VertexShaderCache::CompileVertexShader) OpenGL error 0x500 - invalid enumerant

38:05:640 E: Video glError 00000500 before VS!

38:36:828 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 85, report this to the devs:
38:37:390 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 85, report this to the devs:
38:37:390 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 76, report this to the devs:
38:37:921 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 85, report this to the devs:
38:37:921 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 76, report this to the devs:
38:38:468 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 85, report this to the devs:
38:38:468 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 76, report this to the devs:
38:39:000 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 85, report this to the devs:
38:39:000 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 76, report this to the devs:

And when it hangs it's massive spams of unkown pointer adresses, over hundreds.

Actions #47

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

I mean when you start dolphin using the /d swith in the command line. It has a
window that shows messages about errors and information. What does that say when the
slowdown starts (that it doesn't normally say).

Actions #48

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago

39:17:312 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 0A, report this to the devs:
39:19:375 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 0A, report this to the devs:
39:21:468 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 0A, report this to the devs:

Is almost always at the end before it crahses, of all pointer addresses that's the
one it almost always hangs on, or takes incredibly long to recover from.
39:23:531 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 0A, report this to the devs:
39:25:593 E: * Warning: Unknown pointer address prefix 0A, report this to the devs:

Actions #49

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

a sample of those hundreds?

on pastebin, please.

Actions #50

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago

Can't copy, emulator hangs and i can't move the mouse while it's happening.

Actions #51

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

It's written to a file...User/Logs/dolphin.log, I believe.

Actions #52

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago

Actions #53

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

ok, looks like your usual "not implemented yet" type of thing. When did this problem

Actions #54

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago

1500s maybe, can't remember properly, it didn't happen back then that's for sure.

Actions #55

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

ok, so this is nothing new.

If you can find the exact revision it started, chances are pretty good we can fix it.
I'm not asking you to, nor expecting you to, it's just that if you really want it
fixed, that's how you can help.

Actions #56

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago

Won't be possible since previous revs are completely unstable on Metroid.

Actions #57

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

oh...well that won't work then...

Actions #58

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago

Stuff in Metroid has been looked into eventually.

It went from Video issues, to menue issues, to DC issues, to STC issues, to the
issues it has now, someone will fix em :P.

Actions #59

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago

Well i can't make it hang the emulator in r2316, i only got 1 pointer error in 10-20
minutes of swapping modes, whereas in more recent revs it hanged on the first minute
or sooner.

Actions #60

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

well that's a start.

Actions #61

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

ok, I'll look at it later, gtg now.

Actions #62

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

great job, btw!

Actions #63

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago

In r2454 it hanged on the first swaps also, so around those revs i guess, good luck.

update: in r2343 not even 1 warning.
update: in 2390 shittons of warnings, can't seem to make it crash.

I hope i knocked off a few hundred revs for you to look at at least.

Use this memcard for easy testing, in newer revs just staring at that door and doing
swaps makes it hang. In previous revs to get warnings you might need to get your fps
to drop some, open the door for it.

You swap visors with the directional pad. And enter morph-ball with X.

Actions #64

Updated by marcus over 15 years ago

Sorry, can't do any testing myself, don't have the game :p.

Actions #65

Updated by federelli over 15 years ago

More info.

This happens more often using Copy EFB to RAM, which is needed for the thermal visor
to work. It also happens using the hack, but it's much less likely to hang.

Actions #66

Updated by scubadriver17 about 15 years ago

i get the unknown pointer address prefix 41,devs: 0x4174EFC0 how do i fix it

Actions #67

Updated by marcus about 15 years ago

You can go to settings and disable panic alerts...

Actions #68

Updated by scubadriver17 about 15 years ago

the game still crashes afterwards i want to fix that its tales of symphonia 2

Actions #69

Updated by marcus about 15 years ago

Unless you can point us to the exact revision that started it (or within less than
about 10), we really can't help help you. sorry.

Actions #70

Updated by peddlestool almost 15 years ago

Im a do you patch the paste ont the game?

Actions #71

Updated by wadim.kehl almost 15 years ago

I got the issue while playing Z:WW in the God-Temple mid-game.
When using IL.exe I get 0C address prefix when returning with the second statue to
the central chamber by opening the door. This is reproducable and when i hit ENTER
continously, i see that the central chamber i am entering has missing geometry data.
When playing with the ordinary exe, i get a "BackPatch - failed to disassemble MOV
instruction" at emulated address cc0a5360 and it says "no support for operand size 8"

I'm using the newest public build 3972

Actions #72

Updated by dg.diegop over 13 years ago

Hey, sorry for bringing this thread back, but i have the same problem on PM:TTYD
my system specs: PEntium (R) Dual-Core T4200 @ 2.00Ghz 2.00Ghz, RAM 4.00GB, currently using Dolphin r7124.
i'm having the problem while going up a pipe in chapter one, before beating the golden fuzzy. It crashes.
Any advice?

Actions #73

Updated by sergioql99 over 13 years ago

i have the same problem with super smash bros brawl when i play with the pokemon trainer,snake and olimar and i get this avise
unknow pointer adress perfix c5 report to devs
continue yes no
and i put yes and it put the screen black

Actions #74

Updated by lugo.guille over 13 years ago

when i try to play monster hunter 3 in online mode that error appear why?

Actions #75

Updated by daniel.hoherd about 13 years ago

I am seeing a similar problem. When playing Super Mario Wii on Dolphin for OS X, I always, without fail, get "Unknown pointer 0xf737cede" when I complete level 4-3 Then the app crashes. I've saved a state there and tried continuing with different options disabled, but it always crashes.

If you'd like I can post the save state for the game.

Actions #76

Updated by liproducer about 13 years ago

im geting this prob too, how do you fix it?? it still gives a dont send error, that panic message thing dont work

Actions #77

Updated by xbox360productions about 13 years ago

Well Im Getting The Exact Same Thing While Loading up(Well It Says Clearing Code Cache) The Urbz:Sims In The City
Sooooo Annoying , Im Windows 7 , Intel Celeron T3300 Dual Core Processor 2GB/GH RAM I dont Know :/ And 400GB
Heres What I Get
Unknown Pointer: 0x707f4000
[Yes] [No]

Actions #78

Updated by chichishams4 over 11 years ago

I have tried all the download links on this page and none works. 2. I am windows 7, emulator version r7613 plz help Medabots displays Unknown Pointer: 0x707f4000
error at beggining phase of game.


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