Emulator Issues #6188
closedMusic not correct in Tales of Symphonia - posible audio mixer issue
Game Name?
Tales of Symphonia - Gamecube
What went wrong?
It seems some notes are missing in music tracks, most noticable in first village in the game, Iselia.
Raw audio data seems to be correct, because file which dolphin dumps if "dump audio" is used, when converted to another formats, sounds exactly as it should.
However, when playing in Dolphin, music doesn't sound correct.
Here is the same file, first uploaded to soundcloud.com which converted it, and it sounds correctly
Here is untouched file wav file, it's the same file as the one I uploaded to soundclod.com, but it sounds differently, it has some missing notes.
This is exactly how music track sounds when game is played in Dolphin.
Here is youtube video of game's OST, and it can be seen that converted soundcloud.com file sounds more accurate:
This issue is present in both HLE and LLE.
What version of Dolphin were you using?
This issue is present in all dolphin version except few version from ax hle brench before it was merged, for example 3.0-842
What version of Dolphin used to work?
What Operating System were you using and what are your hardware
Windows 7 x64
i5 2400
660 gtx