



Emulator Issues #9961


Different MemoryCard Issues

Added by DolphinZocker about 8 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

% Done:


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Used Dolphin Version: 5.0-1473

I had the problem, that i corrupted a game save data with an older dolphin version. So i wanted to create a new MemoryCard only for testing with older dolphin versions and i ran in some issues here.

Issue 1: Old MemoryCard is used, though a new memory card is created
I clicked in menu: Options > Settings > GC > Slot A and clicked the ...-Button
I choose the Name "MemoryCard_4.0.EUR" and click on open (my current MemoryCard.EUR-File ist visible in the file chooser dialog)
Now here begins the the first issue. In the Dolphin.ini a had now two memorycard entries:

MemcardAPath = C:/Users/User/Documents/Dolphin Emulator/GC/MemoryCardA.EUR.raw
MemcardBPath = C:/Users/User/Documents/Dolphin Emulator/GC/MemoryCard_4.0

The new given memory card name "MemoryCard_4.0.EUR" is set as Memory Card B but in the Settings Dialog there is only Slot A set. Slota B is shown as empty.

Issue 2: Default Memory Card not selected in Memory Card Manager
If open the Memory Card Manager over Extras, my default memory card is not selected. I must choose it manually.
**Issue 2.1: Memory Card with wrong extension created **
If i click browse and choose the not existing file "MemoryCard_4.0.EUR", the manager asks if want create the file. If i want copy a savestate to this new memory card, i got the error that the memory has the wrong extension.
Issue 2.2: Set Memory Card in Memory Manager is default is not used as default
In the Memory Card Manager i create card with the name "MemoryCard_4.0.EUR.raw" and copy one savestate to that new file. Now i click with a right mouse click on that copied savestate and set the card as default slot a card.
In the Dolphin.ini a new entry is created:

DefaultMemcardA = C:\Users\User\Documents\Dolphin Emulator\GC\MemoryCard_4.0.EUR.raw

But the default card is not used, the old one used, because this entry still exists:

MemcardAPath = C:/Users/User/Documents/Dolphin Emulator/GC/MemoryCardA.EUR.raw

So its a little bit confusing with the memcards. When open the GC-Settings via Options > Settings > GC and want to configure the memcards it would be better to open the memory card manager. In the Dolphin.ini it should only give one MemcardA-Setting.

Actions #1

Updated by JosJuice about 8 years ago

When you say that you tried to copy savestates to a memory card, do you mean regular save data or actual Dolphin savestates?

Actions #2

Updated by DolphinZocker about 8 years ago

Can please someone correct the user-path and replace the username simply please with "User"? Thanks

Actions #3

Updated by DolphinZocker about 8 years ago

JosJuice wrote:

When you say that you tried to copy savestates to a memory card, do you mean regular save data or actual Dolphin savestates?

I mean regular save data from the gc memory card

Actions #4

Updated by JosJuice about 8 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #5

Updated by DolphinZocker about 8 years ago

Thanks for changing

Actions #6

Updated by Techjar about 8 years ago

I'm experiencing the same issue. Any attempt to change the card in slot A just changes slot B. Changing slot B still works as intended.

Actions #7

Updated by lpfaint99 over 7 years ago

  • Default Memory Card not selected in Memory Card Manager
  • Set Memory Card in Memory Manager is default is not used as default

FWIW these are both "expected", but would be new features

memory card manager settings are (currently) unrelated to what is used on boot
setting as default in memorycard manager will default it to that the next time you open the memory card manager


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