



Emulator Issues #2508


Black Screen on all games using OpenGL plugin

Added by ALIENDUDE5300 over 14 years ago.

% Done:


Operating system:
Issue type:
Relates to usability:
Relates to performance:
Relates to maintainability:
Regression start:
Fixed in:


On ALL games I tested, absolutely no graphics were displayed. I dumped
stderr to a text file, for debugging purposes, however it says my "Issue
attachment storage quota" is exceeded. I will try to include glxinfo and
lshw output using comments, but the stderr output is HUGE. I will try to
find a better way to post that than including it in the bug report.

Games Tested:

  • Mario Kart: Double Dash
  • Mario Party 5
  • Metroid Prime
  • Pokemon Colosseum
  • Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
  • Super Mario Sunshine
  • Super Smash Bros. Melee
  • The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Operating System: Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 x86
uname -a output: Linux FAMILY 2.6.31-21-generic #59-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 24
07:28:56 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

Actions #1

Updated by ALIENDUDE5300 over 14 years ago

glxinfo Output:
name of display: :0.0
display: :0 screen: 0
direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: ATI
server glx version string: 1.4
server glx extensions:
GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_EXT_import_context, GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap,
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_OML_swap_method,
GLX_SGI_make_current_read, GLX_SGI_swap_control, GLX_SGIS_multisample,
GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, GLX_SGIX_pbuffer, GLX_SGIX_visual_select_group
client glx vendor string: ATI
client glx version string: 1.4
client glx extensions:
GLX_ARB_create_context, GLX_ARB_get_proc_address, GLX_ARB_multisample,
GLX_EXT_import_context, GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating,
GLX_MESA_allocate_memory, GLX_MESA_swap_control,
GLX_MESA_swap_frame_usage, GLX_NV_swap_group, GLX_OML_swap_method,
GLX_SGI_make_current_read, GLX_SGI_swap_control, GLX_SGI_video_sync,
GLX_SGIS_multisample, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, GLX_SGIX_pbuffer,
GLX_SGIX_swap_barrier, GLX_SGIX_swap_group, GLX_SGIX_visual_select_group,
GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap, GLX_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB,
GLX version: 1.4
GLX extensions:
GLX_ARB_create_context, GLX_ARB_get_proc_address, GLX_ARB_multisample,
GLX_EXT_import_context, GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating,
GLX_MESA_swap_control, GLX_NV_swap_group, GLX_OML_swap_method,
GLX_SGI_make_current_read, GLX_SGI_swap_control, GLX_SGI_video_sync,
GLX_SGIS_multisample, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, GLX_SGIX_pbuffer,
GLX_SGIX_swap_barrier, GLX_SGIX_swap_group, GLX_SGIX_visual_select_group
OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
OpenGL version string: 2.1.9016
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.40
OpenGL extensions:
GL_AMDX_vertex_shader_tessellator, GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend,
GL_AMD_performance_monitor, GL_AMD_texture_texture4,
GL_AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator, GL_ARB_color_buffer_float,
GL_ARB_copy_buffer, GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float, GL_ARB_depth_texture,
GL_ARB_draw_buffers, GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend, GL_ARB_draw_instanced,
GL_ARB_fragment_program, GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow,
GL_ARB_fragment_shader, GL_ARB_framebuffer_object,
GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB, GL_ARB_geometry_shader4, GL_ARB_half_float_pixel,
GL_ARB_half_float_vertex, GL_ARB_instanced_arrays,
GL_ARB_map_buffer_range, GL_ARB_multisample, GL_ARB_multitexture,
GL_ARB_occlusion_query, GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object,
GL_ARB_point_parameters, GL_ARB_point_sprite, GL_ARB_provoking_vertex,
GL_ARB_shader_objects, GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod,
GL_ARB_shading_language_100, GL_ARB_shadow, GL_ARB_shadow_ambient,
GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp, GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object,
GL_ARB_texture_compression, GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc,
GL_ARB_texture_cube_map, GL_ARB_texture_env_add,
GL_ARB_texture_env_combine, GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar,
GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3, GL_ARB_texture_float,
GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat, GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two,
GL_ARB_texture_rectangle, GL_ARB_texture_rg, GL_ARB_texture_snorm,
GL_ARB_transpose_matrix, GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object,
GL_ARB_vertex_array_object, GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object,
GL_ARB_vertex_program, GL_ARB_vertex_shader, GL_ARB_window_pos,
GL_ATI_draw_buffers, GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap, GL_ATI_fragment_shader,
GL_ATI_meminfo, GL_ATI_separate_stencil, GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc,
GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3, GL_ATI_texture_float,
GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once, GL_EXT_abgr, GL_EXT_bgra,
GL_EXT_bindable_uniform, GL_EXT_blend_color,
GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate, GL_EXT_blend_func_separate,
GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_EXT_blend_subtract, GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array,
GL_EXT_copy_buffer, GL_EXT_copy_texture, GL_EXT_draw_buffers2,
GL_EXT_draw_instanced, GL_EXT_draw_range_elements, GL_EXT_fog_coord,
GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit, GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample,
GL_EXT_framebuffer_object, GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB,
GL_EXT_geometry_shader4, GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters,
GL_EXT_gpu_shader4, GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays, GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil,
GL_EXT_packed_float, GL_EXT_packed_pixels, GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object,
GL_EXT_point_parameters, GL_EXT_provoking_vertex, GL_EXT_rescale_normal,
GL_EXT_secondary_color, GL_EXT_separate_specular_color,
GL_EXT_shadow_funcs, GL_EXT_stencil_wrap, GL_EXT_subtexture,
GL_EXT_texgen_reflection, GL_EXT_texture3D, GL_EXT_texture_array,
GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object, GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc,
GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc, GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc,
GL_EXT_texture_cube_map, GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp,
GL_EXT_texture_env_add, GL_EXT_texture_env_combine,
GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3, GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic,
GL_EXT_texture_integer, GL_EXT_texture_lod, GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias,
GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp, GL_EXT_texture_object,
GL_EXT_texture_rectangle, GL_EXT_texture_sRGB,
GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent, GL_EXT_texture_snorm,
GL_EXT_texture_swizzle, GL_EXT_transform_feedback, GL_EXT_vertex_array,
GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra, GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat,
GL_KTX_buffer_region, GL_NV_blend_square, GL_NV_conditional_render,
GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color, GL_NV_explicit_multisample,
GL_NV_primitive_restart, GL_NV_texgen_reflection, GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap,
GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp, GL_SGIS_texture_lod, GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays,
GL_WIN_swap_hint, WGL_EXT_swap_control

81 GLX Visuals
visual x bf lv rg d st colorbuffer ax dp st accumbuffer ms cav
id dep cl sp sz l ci b ro r g b a bf th cl r g b a ns b eat

0x23 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x24 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x25 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x26 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x27 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0x28 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0x29 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0x2a 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0x2b 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x2c 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x2d 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x2e 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x2f 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 2 1 None
0x30 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 2 1 None
0x31 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 None
0x32 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 None
0x33 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x34 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x35 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x36 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x37 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 4 1 None
0x38 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 4 1 None
0x39 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 None
0x3a 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 None
0x3b 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x3c 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x3d 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x3e 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x3f 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 6 1 None
0x40 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 6 1 None
0x41 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 None
0x42 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 None
0x43 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x44 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x45 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x46 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x47 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 8 1 None
0x48 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 8 1 None
0x49 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 None
0x4a 24 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 None
0x4b 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x4c 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x4d 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x4e 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x4f 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0x50 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0x51 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0x52 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0x53 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x54 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x55 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x56 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x57 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 2 1 None
0x58 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 2 1 None
0x59 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 None
0x5a 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 None
0x5b 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x5c 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x5d 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x5e 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x5f 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 4 1 None
0x60 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 4 1 None
0x61 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 None
0x62 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 None
0x63 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x64 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x65 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x66 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x67 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 6 1 None
0x68 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 6 1 None
0x69 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 None
0x6a 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 None
0x6b 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x6c 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x6d 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x6e 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x6f 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 8 1 None
0x70 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 8 1 None
0x71 24 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 None
0x72 24 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 None
0xa9 32 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 Ncon

87 GLXFBConfigs:
visual x bf lv rg d st colorbuffer ax dp st accumbuffer ms cav
id dep cl sp sz l ci b ro r g b a bf th cl r g b a ns b eat

0x23 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x24 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x25 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x26 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x27 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0x28 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0x29 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0x2a 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0x2b 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x2c 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x2d 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x2e 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x2f 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 2 1 None
0x30 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 2 1 None
0x31 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 None
0x32 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 None
0x33 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x34 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x35 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x36 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x37 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 4 1 None
0x38 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 4 1 None
0x39 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 None
0x3a 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 None
0x3b 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x3c 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x3d 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x3e 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x3f 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 6 1 None
0x40 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 6 1 None
0x41 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 None
0x42 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 None
0x43 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x44 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x45 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x46 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x47 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 8 1 None
0x48 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 8 1 None
0x49 0 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 None
0x4a 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 None
0x4b 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x4c 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x4d 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x4e 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x4f 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0x50 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0x51 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0x52 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0x53 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x54 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x55 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x56 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x57 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 2 1 None
0x58 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 2 1 None
0x59 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 None
0x5a 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 None
0x5b 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x5c 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x5d 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x5e 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x5f 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 4 1 None
0x60 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 4 1 None
0x61 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 None
0x62 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 None
0x63 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x64 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x65 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x66 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x67 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 6 1 None
0x68 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 6 1 None
0x69 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 None
0x6a 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 None
0x6b 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x6c 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x6d 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x6e 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 16 16 16 16 0 0 None
0x6f 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 8 1 None
0x70 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 8 0 0 0 0 8 1 None
0x71 0 dc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 None
0x72 0 dc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 None
0xa9 0 tc 0 32 0 r . . 8 8 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 Ncon
0xa9 0 tc 0 128 0 y . 32 32 32 32 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0xa9 0 tc 0 128 0 . . 32 32 32 32 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0xa9 0 tc 0 64 0 y . 16 16 16 16 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0xa9 0 tc 0 64 0 . . 16 16 16 16 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0xa9 0 tc 0 32 0 y . 11 11 10 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None
0xa9 0 tc 0 32 0 . . 11 11 10 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None

Actions #2

Updated by ALIENDUDE5300 over 14 years ago

lshw output (as root) part 1:
description: Desktop Computer
product: FX6800-01e
vendor: Gateway
serial: PTG410X00184907C4F2700
width: 32 bits
capabilities: smbios-2.5 dmi-2.5 smp-1.1 smp
configuration: administrator_password=disabled boot=normal chassis=desktop cpus=4
frontpanel_password=disabled keyboard_password=disabled power-on_password=disabled
description: Motherboard
product: TBGM01
vendor: Gateway
physical id: 0
serial: U00B084900869
slot: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
description: BIOS
vendor: AMI
physical id: 0
version: R01-A1 (10/29/2008)
size: 128KiB
capacity: 960KiB
capabilities: isa pci pnp upgrade shadowing escd cdboot bootselect
socketedrom edd int13floppy1200 int13floppy720 int13floppy2880 int5printscreen
int9keyboard int14serial int17printer int10video acpi usb ls120boot zipboot
description: CPU
product: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
vendor: Intel Corp.
physical id: 4
bus info: cpu@0
version: 6.10.4
serial: 0001-06A4-0000-0000-0000-0000
slot: CPU 1
size: 2666MHz
capacity: 2666MHz
width: 64 bits
clock: 133MHz
capabilities: boot fpu fpu_exception wp vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic
mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx rdtscp
x86-64 constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts xtopology tsc_reliable nonstop_tsc pni
dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm
tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid
configuration: id=3
description: L1 cache
physical id: 5
slot: L1-Cache
size: 128KiB
capacity: 128KiB
capabilities: internal write-back data
description: L2 cache
physical id: 6
slot: L2-Cache
size: 1MiB
capacity: 1MiB
capabilities: internal write-back unified
description: L3 cache
physical id: 7
slot: L3-Cache
size: 8MiB
capacity: 8MiB
capabilities: internal write-back unified
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.1
width: 64 bits
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.2
width: 64 bits
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.3
width: 64 bits
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.4
width: 64 bits
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.5
width: 64 bits
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.6
width: 64 bits
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.7
width: 64 bits
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.8
width: 64 bits
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.9
width: 64 bits
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.a
width: 64 bits
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.b
width: 64 bits
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.c
width: 64 bits
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.d
width: 64 bits
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.e
width: 64 bits
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.f
width: 64 bits
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.10
width: 64 bits
capabilities: logical
description: System Memory
physical id: 1d
slot: System board or motherboard
size: 3GiB
description: DIMM 1067 MHz (0.9 ns)
product: M378B2873DZ1-CF8
vendor: Samsung
physical id: 0
serial: A1854A42
slot: DIMM0
size: 1GiB
width: 64 bits
clock: 1067MHz (0.9ns)
description: DIMM [empty]
vendor: None
physical id: 1
serial: 00000000
slot: DIMM1
width: 64 bits
description: DIMM 1067 MHz (0.9 ns)
product: M378B2873DZ1-CF8
vendor: Samsung
physical id: 2
serial: 7D854A42
slot: DIMM2
size: 1GiB
width: 64 bits
clock: 1067MHz (0.9ns)
description: DIMM [empty]
vendor: None
physical id: 3
serial: 00000000
slot: DIMM3
width: 64 bits
description: DIMM 1067 MHz (0.9 ns)
product: M378B2873DZ1-CF8
vendor: Samsung
physical id: 4
serial: 90854A42
slot: DIMM4
size: 1GiB
width: 64 bits
clock: 1067MHz (0.9ns)
description: DIMM [empty]
vendor: None
physical id: 5
serial: 00000000
slot: DIMM5
width: 64 bits
physical id: 1
bus info: cpu@1
version: 6.10.4
serial: 0001-06A4-0000-0000-0000-0000
size: 2700MHz
capabilities: vmx ht
configuration: id=3
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.1
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.2
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.3
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.4
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.5
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.6
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.7
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.8
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.9
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.a
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.b
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.c
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.d
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.e
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.f
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.10
capabilities: logical

Actions #3

Updated by ALIENDUDE5300 over 14 years ago

lshw output (as root) part 2:
physical id: 2
bus info: cpu@2
version: 6.10.4
serial: 0001-06A4-0000-0000-0000-0000
size: 2700MHz
capabilities: vmx ht
configuration: id=3
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.1
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.2
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.3
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.4
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.5
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.6
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.7
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.8
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.9
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.a
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.b
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.c
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.d
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.e
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.f
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.10
capabilities: logical
physical id: 3
bus info: cpu@3
version: 6.10.4
serial: 0001-06A4-0000-0000-0000-0000
size: 2700MHz
capabilities: vmx ht
configuration: id=3
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.1
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.2
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.3
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.4
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.5
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.6
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.7
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.8
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.9
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.a
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.b
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.c
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.d
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.e
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.f
capabilities: logical
description: Logical CPU
physical id: 3.10
capabilities: logical
description: Host bridge
product: X58 I/O Hub to ESI Port
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 100
bus info: pci@0000:00:00.0
version: 12
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
description: PCI bridge
product: 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 1
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 1
bus info: pci@0000:00:01.0
version: 12
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pci msi pciexpress pm bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=pcieport-driver
resources: irq:48 ioport:e000(size=4096) memory:fbe00000-fbefffff
description: SATA controller
product: JMB362/JMB363 AHCI Controller
vendor: JMicron Technology Corp.
physical id: 0
bus info: pci@0000:05:00.0
version: 03
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: storage pm pciexpress bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=ahci latency=0
resources: irq:28 memory:fbefe000-fbefffff
description: IDE interface
product: JMB362/JMB363 AHCI Controller
vendor: JMicron Technology Corp.
physical id: 0.1
bus info: pci@0000:05:00.1
version: 03
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: ide pm bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=pata_jmicron latency=0
resources: irq:40 ioport:ec00(size=8) ioport:e880(size=4)
ioport:e800(size=8) ioport:e480(size=4) ioport:e400(size=16)
description: PCI bridge
product: 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 3
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 3
bus info: pci@0000:00:03.0
version: 12
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pci msi pciexpress pm bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=pcieport-driver
resources: irq:49 ioport:d000(size=4096) memory:fbd00000-fbdfffff
description: VGA compatible controller
product: RV770 [Radeon HD 4850]
vendor: ATI Technologies Inc
physical id: 0
bus info: pci@0000:04:00.0
version: 00
width: 64 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pm pciexpress msi bus_master cap_list rom
configuration: driver=fglrx_pci latency=0
resources: irq:54 memory:d0000000-dfffffff(prefetchable)
memory:fbde0000-fbdeffff ioport:d000(size=256) memory:fbdc0000-fbddffff(prefetchable)
description: Audio device
product: HD48x0 audio
vendor: ATI Technologies Inc
physical id: 0.1
bus info: pci@0000:04:00.1
version: 00
width: 64 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pm pciexpress msi bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=HDA Intel latency=0
resources: irq:34 memory:fbdfc000-fbdfffff

Actions #4

Updated by ALIENDUDE5300 over 14 years ago

lshw output (as root) part 3:
description: PCI bridge
product: 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 7
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 7
bus info: pci@0000:00:07.0
version: 12
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pci msi pciexpress pm bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=pcieport-driver
resources: irq:50
*-generic:0 UNCLAIMED
description: PIC
product: 5520/5500/X58 Physical and Link Layer Registers Port 0
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 10
bus info: pci@0000:00:10.0
version: 12
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: cap_list
configuration: latency=0
*-generic:1 UNCLAIMED
description: PIC
product: 5520/5500/X58 Routing and Protocol Layer Registers Port 0
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 10.1
bus info: pci@0000:00:10.1
version: 12
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
configuration: latency=0
*-generic:2 UNCLAIMED
description: PIC
product: 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub I/OxAPIC Interrupt Controller
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 13
bus info: pci@0000:00:13.0
version: 12
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pm bus_master cap_list
configuration: latency=0
resources: memory:fec8a000-fec8afff
*-generic:3 UNCLAIMED
description: PIC
product: 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub System Management Registers
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 14
bus info: pci@0000:00:14.0
version: 12
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pciexpress cap_list
configuration: latency=0
*-generic:4 UNCLAIMED
description: PIC
product: 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub GPIO and Scratch Pad Registers
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 14.1
bus info: pci@0000:00:14.1
version: 12
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pciexpress cap_list
configuration: latency=0
*-generic:5 UNCLAIMED
description: PIC
product: 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub Control Status and RAS Registers
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 14.2
bus info: pci@0000:00:14.2
version: 12
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pciexpress cap_list
configuration: latency=0
*-generic:6 UNCLAIMED
description: PIC
product: 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub Throttle Registers
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 14.3
bus info: pci@0000:00:14.3
version: 12
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
configuration: latency=0
description: Ethernet interface
product: 82567LF-2 Gigabit Network Connection
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 19
bus info: pci@0000:00:19.0
logical name: eth0
version: 00
serial: 00:22:68:3a:ea:60
size: 100MB/s
capacity: 1GB/s
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pm msi bus_master cap_list ethernet physical tp 10bt
10bt-fd 100bt 100bt-fd 1000bt-fd autonegotiation
configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=e1000e
driverversion=1.0.2-k2 duplex=full firmware=1.8-5 ip= latency=0 link=yes
multicast=yes port=twisted pair speed=100MB/s
resources: irq:53 memory:fbac0000-fbadffff memory:fbaf2000-fbaf2fff
description: USB Controller
product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #4
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 1a
bus info: pci@0000:00:1a.0
version: 00
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=uhci_hcd latency=0
resources: irq:16 ioport:a400(size=32)
description: USB Controller
product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #5
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 1a.1
bus info: pci@0000:00:1a.1
version: 00
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=uhci_hcd latency=0
resources: irq:21 ioport:a480(size=32)
description: USB Controller
product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #6
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 1a.2
bus info: pci@0000:00:1a.2
version: 00
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=uhci_hcd latency=0
resources: irq:19 ioport:a800(size=32)
description: USB Controller
product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller #2
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 1a.7
bus info: pci@0000:00:1a.7
version: 00
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pm debug bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=ehci_hcd latency=0
resources: irq:18 memory:fbaf8000-fbaf83ff
description: Audio device
product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 1b
bus info: pci@0000:00:1b.0
version: 00
width: 64 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=HDA Intel latency=0
resources: irq:22 memory:fbaf4000-fbaf7fff
description: PCI bridge
product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) PCI Express Port 1
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 1c
bus info: pci@0000:00:1c.0
version: 00
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pci pciexpress msi pm bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=pcieport-driver
resources: irq:51 memory:fbc00000-fbcfffff
*-communication UNCLAIMED
description: Communication controller
product: Agere Systems
vendor: Agere Systems
physical id: 0
bus info: pci@0000:02:00.0
version: 01
width: 64 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list
configuration: latency=0
resources: memory:fbcff000-fbcfffff
description: USB Controller
product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #1
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 1d
bus info: pci@0000:00:1d.0
version: 00
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=uhci_hcd latency=0
resources: irq:23 ioport:a880(size=32)
description: USB Controller
product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #2
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 1d.1
bus info: pci@0000:00:1d.1
version: 00
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=uhci_hcd latency=0
resources: irq:19 ioport:ac00(size=32)
description: USB Controller
product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #3
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 1d.2
bus info: pci@0000:00:1d.2
version: 00
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=uhci_hcd latency=0
resources: irq:18 ioport:b000(size=32)
description: USB Controller
product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller #1
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 1d.7
bus info: pci@0000:00:1d.7
version: 00
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pm debug bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=ehci_hcd latency=0
resources: irq:23 memory:fbafa000-fbafa3ff
description: PCI bridge
product: 82801 PCI Bridge
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 1e
bus info: pci@0000:00:1e.0
version: 90
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pci bus_master cap_list
resources: ioport:c000(size=4096) memory:fbb00000-fbbfffff
description: FireWire (IEEE 1394)
product: VT6306 Fire II IEEE 1394 OHCI Link Layer Controller
vendor: VIA Technologies, Inc.
physical id: 6
bus info: pci@0000:01:06.0
version: c0
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pm bus_master cap_list
configuration: driver=ohci1394 latency=64 maxlatency=32
resources: irq:19 memory:fbbff800-fbbfffff ioport:cc00(size=128)
description: ISA bridge
product: 82801JIR (ICH10R) LPC Interface Controller
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 1f
bus info: pci@0000:00:1f.0
version: 00
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: isa bus_master cap_list
configuration: latency=0
description: SATA controller
product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) SATA AHCI Controller
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 1f.2
bus info: pci@0000:00:1f.2
logical name: scsi3
logical name: scsi5
version: 00
width: 32 bits
clock: 66MHz
capabilities: storage msi pm bus_master cap_list emulated
configuration: driver=ahci latency=0
resources: irq:52 ioport:b880(size=8) ioport:b800(size=4)
ioport:b480(size=8) ioport:b400(size=4) ioport:b080(size=32) memory:fbafc000-fbafc7ff
description: DVD-RAM writer
product: DVDRAM GH15F
vendor: HL-DT-ST
physical id: 0
bus info: scsi@3:0.0.0
logical name: /dev/cdrom
logical name: /dev/cdrw
logical name: /dev/dvd
logical name: /dev/dvdrw
logical name: /dev/scd0
logical name: /dev/sr0
version: EG00
capabilities: removable audio cd-r cd-rw dvd dvd-r dvd-ram
configuration: ansiversion=5 status=nodisc

Actions #5

Updated by ALIENDUDE5300 over 14 years ago

lshw output (as root) part 4:
description: ATA Disk
product: ST3750630AS
vendor: Seagate
physical id: 1
bus info: scsi@5:0.0.0
logical name: /dev/sda
version: SD46
serial: 9QK1XF6G
size: 698GiB (750GB)
capabilities: partitioned partitioned:dos
configuration: ansiversion=5 signature=b165686d
description: Windows NTFS volume
physical id: 1
bus info: scsi@5:0.0.0,1
logical name: /dev/sda1
version: 3.1
serial: dc4c-e6ea
size: 10001MiB
capacity: 10001MiB
capabilities: primary ntfs initialized
configuration: clustersize=4096 created=2008-11-11 18:00:31
filesystem=ntfs label=PQSERVICE state=clean
description: Windows NTFS volume
physical id: 2
bus info: scsi@5:0.0.0,2
logical name: /dev/sda2
version: 3.1
serial: b47fc590-e176-7a4a-9b62-10ac5bd7783f
size: 372GiB
capacity: 372GiB
capabilities: primary bootable ntfs initialized
configuration: clustersize=4096 created=2008-11-11 19:12:32
filesystem=ntfs label=OS modified_by_chkdsk=true mounted_on_nt4=true
resize_log_file=true state=dirty upgrade_on_mount=true
description: EXT4 volume
vendor: Linux
physical id: 3
bus info: scsi@5:0.0.0,3
logical name: /dev/sda3
logical name: /
version: 1.0
serial: 49606533-72e0-4758-b017-d56134875067
size: 316GiB
capacity: 316GiB
capabilities: primary journaled extended_attributes large_files
huge_files dir_nlink recover extents ext4 ext2 initialized
configuration: created=2009-05-20 21:52:54 filesystem=ext4
modified=2010-04-02 16:42:40 mount.fstype=ext4
mount.options=rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,barrier=1,data=ordered mounted=2010-04-02
16:42:40 state=mounted
*-serial UNCLAIMED
description: SMBus
product: 82801JI (ICH10 Family) SMBus Controller
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 1f.3
bus info: pci@0000:00:1f.3
version: 00
width: 64 bits
clock: 33MHz
configuration: latency=0
resources: memory:fbaffc00-fbaffcff ioport:400(size=32)
physical id: 5
bus info: usb@1:3
logical name: scsi10
capabilities: emulated scsi-host
configuration: driver=usb-storage
description: SCSI Disk
physical id: 0.0.0
bus info: scsi@10:0.0.0
logical name: /dev/sdb
description: SCSI Disk
physical id: 0.0.1
bus info: scsi@10:0.0.1
logical name: /dev/sdc
description: SCSI Disk
physical id: 0.0.2
bus info: scsi@10:0.0.2
logical name: /dev/sdd
description: SCSI Disk
physical id: 0.0.3
bus info: scsi@10:0.0.3
logical name: /dev/sde

Actions #6

Updated by ALIENDUDE5300 over 14 years ago

Can someone increase my attachment storage quota so I can post this log file? It's
over 200 pieces if I use split to split the file into 500 line pieces... posting
those as comments would be ridiculous, and the file may contain valuable information.

Actions #7

Updated by sl1nk3.s over 14 years ago


Actions #8

Updated by CuentaSpam23 over 14 years ago

Start telling us your graphics card name

And there are other hosts to upload this , like megaupload

Actions #9

Updated by HeZkOrE over 14 years ago

People should learn how to use DropBox instead of horrible things like Megaupload

Actions #10

Updated by ALIENDUDE5300 over 14 years ago

@ CuentaSpam23, the entire lshw output is included, which lists all the components of
my system including the graphics card, which, by the way, is an ATI Radeon HD 4850

Actions #12

Updated by ALIENDUDE5300 over 14 years ago

Thought I'd also throw this in there -- fglrxinfo output:
display: :0.0 screen: 0
OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
OpenGL version string: 3.2.9704 Compatibility Profile Context

Actions #13

Updated by ALIENDUDE5300 over 14 years ago

The testing was done on R5270-release. I'm going to try the latest revision now and
update this issue.

Actions #14

Updated by ALIENDUDE5300 over 14 years ago

The issue still exists in R5271. Changing from OpenGL to Software Renderer fixes the
issue, although it runs VERY slowly.

Actions #15

Updated by ALIENDUDE5300 over 14 years ago

Update: Using wine, I am able to get graphics to render using the OpenGL plugin. This
is definitely an issue with dolphin and not with my fglrx graphics card driver.

Actions #16

Updated by CuentaSpam23 over 14 years ago

Try checking "use panic handlers"

Actions #17

Updated by ALIENDUDE5300 over 14 years ago

I already had "use panic handlers" checked when I tested this.

Actions #18

Updated by Sonicadvance1 over 14 years ago

ATI drivers aren't the best in Linux, this is why it is failing.

Actions #19

Updated by sl1nk3.s over 14 years ago

funny that it works through wine and not with the native build though :O

Actions #20

Updated by Sonicadvance1 over 14 years ago

That's strange, through the GL or DX plugin?

Actions #21

Updated by yisheng about 14 years ago

I am having the same problem, I am unable to run anything using OpenGL in Ubuntu...
Here are the errors

uniform s_cmtrl cmtrl : register(c10);
uniform s_cproj cproj :
21:31:941 Source/Plugins/Plugin_VideoOGL/Src/VertexShaderCache.cpp:167 E[Video]:
failed to create vertex shader
21:31:941 Source/Plugins/Plugin_VideoOGL/Src/GLUtil.cpp:528 E[Video]:
Source/Plugins/Plugin_VideoOGL/Src/VertexManager.cpp:147: (AddVertices) OpenGL error
0x502 - invalid operation

21:31:942 Source/Plugins/Plugin_VideoOGL/Src/GLUtil.cpp:528 E[Video]:
Source/Plugins/Plugin_VideoOGL/Src/VertexManager.cpp:147: (AddVertices) OpenGL error
0x502 - invalid operation

And no screen appears...

Actions #22

Updated by ALIENDUDE5300 about 14 years ago

Using an ATI Radeon X1950 GT 256MB card, I experience the same issue as yisheng. I
get an error message saying "Source/Plugins/Plugin_VideoOGL/Src/GLUtil.cpp:530
E[Video]: Source/Plugins/Plugin_VideoOGL/Src/VertexManager.cpp:147: (AddVertices)
OpenGL error 0x502 - invalid operation".

Actions #23

Updated by Michael.Kyles about 14 years ago

I have the EXACT problem as other users on here, even the workability on wine using
the opengl plugins.

I have an ATI radeon 3100 card and use lucid x86_64.

Actions #24

Updated by marcus about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Accepted
  • Category set to gfx
  • Issue type set to Bug
  • Priority set to Low
  • Relates to usability set to Yes
  • Operating system N/A added

Another "me too"; just set up dolphin on a Gateway NV52 (ATI Radion 3200 HD, it's a crappy onboard graphics chip) and it only does a black screen and spams the same error as comment 22's to the terminal. Sound and controls are working, but I can't see anything. Other things which use OGL work fine.

Actions #25

Updated by Matthias.Aumueller about 14 years ago

I've had the same Problem, this Thread: helped me to fix it. Now it works fine for me.

Actions #26

Updated by marcus about 14 years ago

  • Priority changed from Low to High

If you can make and post a patch from the code mentioned there, I can test and commit it for you.

Changing to high priority as this breaks ATI Linux systems (if not all linux systems, for that matter).

Actions #27

Updated by ysakaed about 14 years ago

Thanks Matthias! After applying the patch dolphin finally works in my linux64 + ATI card :)

Actions #28

Updated by ysakaed about 14 years ago

Here is the patch again r5820

Actions #29

Updated by marcus about 14 years ago

Wonderful, this fixes the problem perfectly!

Unfortunately, this patch breaks Win32 on NVidia (and possibly more).

Perhaps a dev with more XP than me could take a look at this and see whether it can be toggled depending on the OS during compile time...

Actions #30

Updated by BhaaL about 14 years ago

You could #ifdef linux { stuff here } #endif the whole thing. Note the two underscores. FileUtil.cpp has quite a few examples of different code for each platform (_WIN32, linux and APPLE).

Actions #31

Updated by ysakaed about 14 years ago

any way to determine which card the current system is running?
This patch probably only need for people with ATI card not NVIDIA.

Actions #32

Updated by ysakaed about 14 years ago

Here is the new patch, I wrapped the code with ifdef linux and also checks if its an ATI card.

Actions #33

Updated by BhaaL about 14 years ago

I'd move the workaround from VertexShaderCache.cpp to VertexShaderCache::Init, right after glGetProgramivARB where its initialized. Doing the strstr every time a shader is compiled isnt a good idea i'd say.

Actions #34

Updated by durin42 about 14 years ago

I just applied that patch, which restored video (Ubuntu Lucid, ATI graphics). Now I see tons of spew like this in the terminal (reporting it in case it's helpful):

17:01:932 Source/Plugins/Plugin_VideoOGL/Src/GLUtil.cpp:530 E[Video]: Source/Plugins/Plugin_VideoOGL/Src/VertexManager.cpp:147: (AddVertices) OpenGL error 0x502 - invalid operation

17:01:968 Source/Plugins/Plugin_VideoOGL/Src/GLUtil.cpp:530 E[Video]: Source/Plugins/Plugin_VideoOGL/Src/VertexManager.cpp:147: (AddVertices) OpenGL error 0x502 - invalid operation

17:02:062 Source/Plugins/Plugin_VideoOGL/Src/GLUtil.cpp:530 E[Video]: Source/Plugins/Plugin_VideoOGL/Src/VertexManager.cpp:147: (AddVertices) OpenGL error 0x502 - invalid operation

17:02:298 Source/Plugins/Plugin_VideoOGL/Src/GLUtil.cpp:530 E[Video]: Source/Plugins/Plugin_VideoOGL/Src/VertexManager.cpp:147: (AddVertices) OpenGL error 0x502 - invalid operation

Actions #35

Updated by marcus about 14 years ago

That error seems to have no effect on the was there before the patch was. The only thing of note is that it appears in Windows when the first patch is applied (as well as the graphics breaking).

And j4ck, you can take charge of this if you like. You are much more competent than I am so if you're not busy, I'm fine with just standing back and watching.

Actions #36

Updated by BhaaL about 14 years ago

That invalid operation is a bit odd tho.

Gonna run some tests and see if the patch doesn't break anything else.

Actions #37

Updated by BhaaL about 14 years ago

This issue was updated by revision r5830.

This should take care about the black screen. Please open a new issue for other problems that may arise.

Actions #38

Updated by BhaaL about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Fixed

This issue was closed by revision r5830.

Actions #39

Updated by sl1nk3.s about 14 years ago

Just wanted to let you know that this issue was only in Cg 2.1 and is already fixed in Cg 2.2 since over a year now anyway.


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